do something you live once
Everyone is lazy at some point in his or her life, how could you overcome is the question!. In today's lifestyle, we often think too much about others and try to motivate ourselves, but we forget that everyone has a different lifestyle and mindset. You must be thinking what does the above-mentioned thing's affect me or how is this even relevant to me, it does!

how not to be lazy in life

Let's take me of instance I have been trying to change my lifestyle from past five year's but I have not taken any action for changing my lifestyle or my habits. I ask myself every day where am I lacking in my life?. Change is important in your life as it brings wonders in your life. People always say be the change, seriously do you need to change for people or for yourself?.

Writing a blog is not easy but eventually I have to try and do it, it's me trying to motivate myself to do something different and be someone I always wanted to be. Now the most important question what is that I want to be? surprise I don't know still. I have worked as a freelancer for the past five years in the event management industry.

I have worked in top international sport's league held in India, where I got the opportunity to work with the top management and learned the do's and don't of it. As my journey was filled with up's and downs I never really felt bad about it, I always wanted to learn something new in life. But if you ask me what have I achieved in my life I would say nothing! yes seriously, now you are starting to think is this guy even telling the truth? yes, my reader, I am. You want to know the truth "I WAS LAZY!". Lazy we often think if someone you know is not doing good in life he must be lazy and not trying to do something in his life. Lazyness is a habit if we don't change it can harm your life.